Spectral Domain (2019 - 2020) is inspired by the work of neuroscientist Karl Pribam as outlined by author Lynne McTaggart:
“Our brain primarily talks to itself and to the rest of the body not with words or images, or even bits or chemical impulses, but in the language of wave interference: the language of phase, amplitude, and frequency - the ‘spectral domain’...In a sense, in the act of observation, we are transforming the timeless, spaceless world of interference patterns into the concrete and discrete world of space and time…Storing memory in wave interference patterns is remarkably efficient, and would account for the vastness of human memory.”
Layers of alcohol ink and oil paint reference the retina, optic nerves, neurons, frequency patterns, and imagery representing memories and emotional experiences.
"June" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 12 x 10 inches / 2019 (NFS)
"A Cautious Measure" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 12 x 10 inches / 2019 (NFS)
"A Sickness in my Bones" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 12 x 10 inches / 2019 (NFS)
"I'm Not Leaving You Here" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 10 x 14 inches / 2019 (sold)
"It's Getting Quiet Now" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 10 x 14 inches / 2019 (sold)
Nothing You Would Take / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 10 x 14 inches / 2019 (available for sale)
"I'm Buried Beneath the Stones" / alcohol ink on Yupo paper / 13 x 19 inches / 2020 (sold)
"Small Town Decides my Fate" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 12 x 24 inches / 2019 (available for sale)
"Should You Go First" / alcohol ink and oil paint on ceramic tile / 12 x 24 inches / 2019 (available for sale)
"I'll Keep this Wisdom in my Flesh" / alcohol ink & graphite on clay panel / 6x6 inches / 2020 (sold)