A narrative series and album art in created in response to "The Dead of Winter" by Antoni Maiovvi, available in vinyl or digital formats via Redscroll Records:

"THE DEAD OF WINTER is a sonic horror movie. 

It’s a full sensory assault. 

It’s a portal into the darkest parts of you, excavating feelings and emotions that you didn’t even know were there.

The album was initially conceived in what seemed like an everlasting winter—the middle of 2020. That’s when Anton and I met and passed some of our quaran-time over zoom, discussing everything from dream projects to embark on when the world opened up again, to Penderecki and chaos magick. 

Perhaps because the album was born out of the emotional maelstrom of that time, these tracks sound like rage trapped, desperate to be set free, with a bittersweet wistfulness buried beneath.

Anton’s music evokes dreamscapes and nightmares. “Deathrocket (To The Sun)” is like creeping through a broken dollhouse. “Open Doorways” are the sounds of Hell. “Snowstorm” feels like a descent into a phantasmagoric labyrinth that you’ll never fully escape.

The best way to experience this album is by dimming the lights, closing your eyes, and giving yourself to it. Allow the music to take you by its skeletal hand and lead you deep into the blizzard of your psyche.

I hope you find both madness and ecstasy along the way."

Jenn Wexler, 2022

released April 7, 2023
Written, Recorded and Mixed by Antoni Maiovvi at Winchester R&D, New Haven, CT 2021-2022
Mastered by John Stillings at Steel Hook Audio Mastering
Artwork by Kerry St. Laurent


Something Worse x Charlene Elsby


Everything You Love Should Be Avoided x God's Teeth